Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Table What!?!

Every year hubs and I begin our Christmas shopping on Black Friday.  We normally get 75% of our gifts bought in one day! So I did my normal combing through the ads and I found this interesting table item....

Table panties?? This brings a whole new meaning to tableware! I have heard of table salt, table runners and table center pieces but table panties are a new discovery for me! These probably won't make my list this year, sadly, but they are sure to make someone a great gift!


  1. Table panties?
    In keeping with the PG request, I'll refrain...... ;-), really, I'll refrain.

  2. Yah, you know...table panties. You put them on and eat your holiday dinner at the table in them. There are no words are there?


Let's keep it PG around here!